Conan Movie 27, titled “The Million-Dollar Pentagram”, is the latest installment in the long-running Detective Conan series. Released in August 2024, this film has quickly become a fan favorite, drawing large audiences both in Japan and internationally. The movie brings together the iconic detective Conan Edogawa, the master thief Kaito Kid, and the Western detective Hattori Heiji in a thrilling and action-packed adventure.
Plot Summary
The story begins with a mysterious theft involving the legendary Japanese swords of Toshizo Hijikata, a key figure in the Shinsengumi. Conan and Kaito Kid find themselves in Hakodate, Hokkaido, where they cross paths with Heiji. The plot thickens as they uncover a hidden treasure linked to these swords, leading to a series of dangerous encounters and unexpected twists.
As the investigation unfolds, Conan, Heiji, and Kaito Kid must navigate a web of deceit and danger. They face off against cunning adversaries, decipher cryptic clues, and uncover long-buried secrets. The film skillfully balances intense action sequences with moments of humor and camaraderie, keeping the audience engaged from start to finish.
Character Development
One of the highlights of Conan Movie 27 is the dynamic between its main characters. Conan Edogawa, as always, showcases his brilliant deductive skills and unwavering determination to solve the case. Kaito Kid, with his suave demeanor and exceptional disguise abilities, adds an element of excitement and unpredictability. Hattori Heiji, known for his sharp instincts and quick thinking, brings a fresh perspective to the investigation.
The interactions between these three characters are both entertaining and thought-provoking. Heiji’s rivalry with Kaito Kid, stemming from a previous incident where Kid impersonated Heiji’s girlfriend Kazuha, adds a layer of personal stakes to the story. Conan’s role as the mediator and problem-solver further enhances the tension and camaraderie among the trio.
The film also delves into the backstories and motivations of its characters, providing deeper insight into their personalities and relationships. Conan’s unwavering dedication to solving mysteries is juxtaposed with Kaito Kid’s mischievous charm and Heiji’s relentless pursuit of justice. These character nuances add depth and complexity to the narrative, making the audience emotionally invested in their journey.
Action and Suspense
Conan Movie 27 is packed with high-octane action sequences and suspenseful moments. The film’s climax features an intense confrontation between Conan, Heiji, and Kaito Kid, as they race against time to uncover the truth behind the treasure and the mysterious murders. The fight scene choreography is masterfully done, gripping viewers throughout.
From breathtaking rooftop chases to daring escapes, the movie delivers a thrilling cinematic experience. The use of innovative gadgets and clever tactics by the characters adds an extra layer of excitement to the action scenes. The film’s pacing is well-balanced, with moments of tension and suspense interspersed with lighter, humorous scenes that provide relief and balance.
Themes and Messages
The movie explores themes of loyalty, friendship, and the pursuit of justice. It highlights the importance of teamwork and the strength that comes from combining different skills and perspectives. The treasure hunt serves as a metaphor for the characters’ personal journeys, as they each confront their own challenges and grow stronger through their experiences.
In addition to the overarching themes, the film also touches upon the concept of legacy and the impact of historical events on the present. The legendary swords of Toshizo Hijikata symbolize the enduring influence of the past and the importance of preserving cultural heritage. The characters’ quest to uncover the truth behind the swords serves as a reminder of the value of history and the lessons it imparts.
Visuals and Soundtrack
Visually, Conan Movie 27 is a treat for the eyes. The animation is crisp and detailed, capturing the essence of Hakodate’s scenic beauty and the gritty atmosphere of the investigation. The filmmakers have paid meticulous attention to the backgrounds and settings, creating a visually immersive experience that transports the audience to the heart of the action.
The soundtrack complements the film’s tone perfectly, with a mix of suspenseful tracks and emotional melodies that enhance the storytelling. The music heightens the tension during critical moments and adds depth to the emotional scenes, creating a cohesive and engaging auditory experience.
Conan Movie 27: “Ngôi Sao 5 Cánh 1 Triệu Đô” is a standout entry in the Detective Conan series. It successfully combines thrilling action, engaging character dynamics, and a compelling mystery to deliver an unforgettable cinematic experience. Fans of the series and newcomers alike will find plenty to enjoy in this latest adventure. Whether you’re a long-time follower of Conan’s exploits or just discovering the series, this movie is sure to leave a lasting impression.
The film’s rich narrative, well-developed characters, and stunning visuals make it a must-watch for anyone who loves a good mystery. Conan Movie 27 not only pays homage to the legacy of the Detective Conan series but also sets the stage for future installments. It reminds us why Conan Edogawa remains one of the most beloved detectives in the world of anime and manga.
As the credits roll and the final notes of the soundtrack play, viewers are left eagerly anticipating the next adventure in the Detective Conan saga. “Ngôi Sao 5 Cánh 1 Triệu Đô” is a testament to the enduring appeal of the series and a celebration of the timeless themes of friendship, justice, and the pursuit of truth.